Development Milestones

We have designed an easy and effective developmental screening tool to help give you an idea if your child’s development is on track. We hope that this tool will serve as both a guideline and a resource. Instant results will provide you with direction on whether or not you should consult with your child’s pediatrician.

5 Areas (domains) of Development:

Physical (Fine motor and gross motor)

This domain involves the senses (taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing, and proprioception — or bodily awareness of one’s orientation in space), gross motor skills (major movements involving large muscles), and fine motor skills (involving small muscles, particularly of the fingers and hands).


This domain refers to the ability to mentally process information — to think, reason, and understand what’s happening around you.


The ability to comprehend, utilize, and manipulate language may be the single most powerful skill a person can develop. The four aspects of language development are phonology (forming a language’s constituent sounds into words), syntax (fitting those words together into sentences according to language’s rules and conventions), semantics (meaning and shades of meaning), and pragmatics (how the language is applied in practical and interpersonal communication). The maturation of verbal communication skills can vary markedly between individuals.

Social Emotional

As a child develops within this domain, he or she learns how to successfully regulate his or her own internal emotional state and read the social cues of others. Strong emotions can be controlled or expressed properly; confrontation can be managed without violence; we can evolve empathy toward others.


Adaptive development refers to the self-care component of growing up, taking care of things like eating, drinking, toileting, bathing and getting dressed independently. It also entails being aware of one’s environment and any hazards it may pose, keeping oneself safe and protected.

Find your child’s age below and complete the corresponding checklist.

You will gain a better understanding of what milestones your child should be meeting and receive tips for developing each skill from our staff of highly trained therapists. Your completed checklist (plus all the tips!) will automatically be sent to the email you provide so you can save, print, and reference the information later.