Pediatric Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy focuses on assisting your child with everyday activities, routines, and “jobs” (occupations) across multiple environments. From the playground to the classroom, and every space in between. Occupational Therapy helps patients improve physical function, motor and social skills, self-care, cognitive planning and emotional well-being, as well as being able to integrate sensory information more efficiently.

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Who can benefit?

If you happen to notice difficulties in one or more of these areas, an evaluation for treatment may be appropriate:

  • Trouble using spoon or fork

  • Poor drawing skills

  • Poor hand-eye coordination

  • Dislike of tummy time

  • Colicky baby

  • Difficulty holding a writing utensil

  • Backward letters

  • Difficulty dressing

  • Picky eating habits

  • Trouble with following a routine

  • Difficulty maintaining balance

  • Avoids sounds

  • Poor body awareness (clumsy, stumbles)

  • Easily distracted

A toddler using scissors for the first time to cut a piece of paper

How We Address It

Children may benefit from occupational therapy even without a diagnosed medical condition. Children who exhibit delays in skills that impact their participation in home and school environments may require occupational therapy for extra help to complete everyday activities.

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Success Stories

A toddler learning how to walk with a physical therapist

"My daughter has been attending therapy here for almost 8 months and has made TREMENDOUS progress. We love all of her therapists and are excited to see Ella continue to progress. So grateful we landed here on Ella’s journey!”

Meet Our Therapists

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

At Marshall Pediatric Therapy, we do not follow a one-size-fits-all approach. We very much rely on an integrative therapeutic model. Upon being referred to our practice, during your first visit (also referred to as an initial evaluation), a licensed therapist will determine what is most important to you and your child.

We want to know your child’s history, current abilities, and strengths, and confidently address room for improvement. From there, we will be able to provide a variety of assessments in order to construct a customized treatment plan tailored to your child’s individual needs. The frequency of a child’s appointments will be determined by your assigned therapist(s).