Taylor Denney, MA, CCC-SLP | April 25, 2024 | Speech Therapy

AAC. What is it, and is it Right For My Child?

AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. AAC is communication in a variety of ways, other than talking. This could be Alternative communication, to be used in place of speech. Or it can be Augmentative, to be used to support speech in order to make it more effective. 

AAC can include no-tech options, low-tech options, or high-tech options. Examples include:

  • Gestures

  • Writing

  • ASL or a modified sign language

  • Using pictures to communicate

  • Communication boards

  • Using a speech-generating device (tablet/iPad) via direct selection

  • Using a speech-generating device (tablet/iPad) via eye gaze

AAC can be used for a variety of individuals, including young children with developmental disabilities, Autistic individuals, or adults who have acquired a disorder later on in life. 

These modes of communication allow for independence in the user’s environment. This could include allowing a child to communicate wants at home, being able to participate in conversations at school, making friends with same-age peers, and advocating for themselves in a variety of situations

All individuals have the fundamental right to communication. Reach out to your therapists with any questions you may have. 

