Hannah Dumais | April 25, 2024 | Speech Therapy

Growing Speech Skills Outdoors

Hey everyone! The speech-language pathologists at Marshall Pediatric Therapy wanted to share some fun and enriching activities you can try with your family. The weather is finally warming up, creating perfect moments to learn outside. Take your child on a nature walk or go on a scavenger hunt in your neighborhood. We can use these opportunities to work on our speech/language skills:

  • Wh- questions

    • What can we see fly in the sky?”

    • Where do flowers grow?”

    • Who lives in the dirt?”

  • Colors

    • “I spy something green/red/etc.”

  • Follow directions

    • “Find a stick”

    • “Touch your toes then run to the big tree”

    • “Smell the flowers before you jump three times”

  • Attributes/Describing objects

    • “Do you see something bumpy?”

    • “Can you find something that we could eat”

    • “Point to something that might feel soft”

  • Labeling

    • Point to objects you see on your walk and see if your child can tell you the name

    • I.e. squirrel, leaf, flower, grass, cloud, bike, house, mailbox

  • Prepositions

    • “Stand next to the mailbox”

    • “Jump over the stick”

    • “Sit under the tree”

    • “Put the toy on top of the table”

  • Speech sounds

    • Find things on your walk that contain your child’s target sounds

    • /s/ (sun, seat, grass, squirrel, …)

    • /k/ (car, rock, cat, cow, lake, …)

  • Problem solving

    • “What would happen if I stepped in the puddle?”

    • “What do you think would happen if that tree fell over?”

    • “Oh no!  Our path is blocked!  What can we do?”

  • Inferences

    • “Why does the bird build its nest in the tree?”

    • “Look up in the sky and you will see me. My wings have feathers. What can I be?”

    • “I am brown and fuzzy and like to eat nuts.  What could I be?”

    • “I live near the water and jump and eat flies!  What could I be?”

  • Rhyming

    • ”What words rhyme with rock?” (“lock,” “knock”)

    • “What words rhyme with tree?” (“bee,” “see”)

Take items from your outside adventures and make a nature collage suncatcher using a paper plate and contact paper!