From Our Experts


Screen Time for Kids: Finding Balance

Finding balance behind a screen. Why it's important and ways that we all play a part. It's no secret that electronics have become a significant part of EACH of our everyday lives. Due to the fact that we are constantly surrounded by technology, whether that be in our homes, at work, or out and about, it's been rather h…
A child covering her ears

How to Help Kids With Anxiety

Anxiety in children is much more common than many people realize – one in five children will experience clinical-level anxiety. However, there are specific techniques and methods that can help children deal with their anxiety in healthy and beneficial ways. It is essential for parents – as well as teachers and caregive…
my autism tribe logo

A Journey with Autism. IT'S WORTH IT.

Whether you are just hearing the words of your child’s diagnosis, or you’ve been traveling on a special needs journey for many years, it’s always nice to know there are people with you. There will be footprints left behind by those who have traveled the path before you, and others that will follow your footprints as th…
speech lang

Four Tips & Tricks to Encourage Early Communication

Parents, below are 4 tips and tricks to encourage early communication with your kiddo. As a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) that has a passion for early language, I use all of these during my therapy sessions. 1. Narrate everything. You can do this by announcing and talking through both your and your child’s routines…
sensory diet

Creating a Sensory Diet at Home

How to use items you already have at home for your child’s sensory diet One of our very favorite ways of addressing hot clinical topics is through a Q&A format. Learn from Occupational Therapist, Ellen Snyder, as she uncovers some of the most commonly asked questions from our parents and caregivers when it comes to est…