
Decreasing Stress Around the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, parents are faced with excitement and nerves. While it is a fun time of the year where kids can spend time with their families, it can be a stressful time for children with special needs. Some things to consider during this holiday season are how to help prepare your child for transiti…

Easing Back to School Fears and Anxiety

Even under normal circumstances, returning to school can be stressful for parents and children alike. Transitions, uncertainty, and change in general are just plain hard. Returning to school under the restrictions of COVID, however, only exacerbates the worries that parents and children are experiencing. What will scho…

Parents, we see you! You are not alone.

Encourage: To improve someone’s spirit by giving them hope or confidence. To every mom, dad, grandma, granddad, aunt, uncle, brother, and sister – we see you. Challenging would be the optimal word to describe our current situation. Routines have been thrown out of the window, changes of scenery depend 100% on weather o…